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Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Phase 1 Habitat Survey – Kippford

Project background:

The owners of a small area of land at Kippford (0.67ha), contacted S.A.P Ecology & Environmental, to provide baseline information as to what protected species may be present on their land prior to making any decisions about future management and use. The land had been purchased in the 1970s and since then very little maintenance has been carried out.

What we did:

  • Carried out a site visit to do a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), recording all phase 1 habitats found on site and any evidence of protected species;
  • Undertook a desk study to determine whether the site was located within or within close proximity to designated or non-designated sites of interest and to inform of past occurrences of protected species;
  • Produced a full and comprehensive report of the survey with appropriate recommendations.

The Outcome:

The PEA and subsequent report highlighted a number of potential ecological issues relating to protected species that may be encountered if the land was to be developed.

Specialist surveys relating to bats, breeding birds, red squirrels and reptiles would be needed to further inform the presence of protected species.

Recommendations were also made for ecological enhancement.



Sarah and Stephen and their team were very professional (and informative) but also a delight to deal with.

Bat Survey & Exclusion - Castle Douglas
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