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Property Maintenance

Buccleuch Estates – Ecological Survey, Advice & Mitigation

Project Background:

Buccleuch Estates own and lease a number of residential and business properties. Maintenance of these properties include both internal and external works such as re-wiring, plumbing, plastering, pointing and both partial and full roof repair. As part of their commitment to ecological enhancement and sustainability S.A.P Ecology & Environmental Ltd were commissioned to undertake preliminary building assessments and provide species specific mitigation and management advice on those properties highlighted for works.

What we did:

  • Carried out a range of preliminary building assessments to assess the buildings or structures, potential to support roosting bats and nesting birds;
  • Undertook Barn Owl Surveys of farm barns and outbuildings;
  • Produced full and comprehensive reports detailing results of all surveys, with species specific recommendations;
  • When necessary, attained European Protected Species Licences from Scottish Natural Heritage, to ensure works happen in line with Environmental legislation;
  • Provided an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), for both EPS Licenced works and when utilising Continuous Ecological Function (CEF).

The Outcome:

  • Where surveys indicated works would not have a lasting effect on a bat roost, works were facilitated using CEF, therefore allowing maintenance to be completed under supervision during the winter months;
  • If activity surveys for both bat and barn owl were required they were scheduled in for the summer period;
  • Following survey appropriate mitigation and compensation measures were devised and implemented prior to proceeding with maintenance works;
  • Protected species licences were attained if disturbance to a protected species was unavoidable.

S.A.P Ecology & Environmental Ltd continue to be a consultancy of choice by Buccleuch Estates.



Ground Level & Aerial Tree Inspections – Efficient service and good and comprehensive report with sensible management recommendations.

Scottish Natural Heritage
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