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Site Based Services

ECoW and watching briefs

An Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) may be required on a project or development. At SAP Ecology and Environmental we can provide ECoW services. Our ecologists are trained to act as the ECoW on site, to ensure that projects comply with ecological legislation relating to protected species and habitats. As an ECoW we can carry out ecological watching briefs to oversee works on site where protected species may be affected. Our ecologists have experience carrying out watching briefs on a variety of projects and developments.

Tool box talks

Toolbox talks are a good way to discuss and raise awareness of specific ecology related issues to a project or development before starting on works. Our ecologists are able to carry out tool box talks to the builders and contractors on site.



Provided surveys in new planting areas, harvest sites, farm buildings & advised on building works.  Very helpful!

Protected Species Surveys - Eskdalemuir Forestry
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